Keeping a thematic OpenStreetMap database up-to-date with osm2pgsql

· martijn writes (sometimes)

Recently, I wrote and published Resto-Bot, a Mastodon bot that toots about a restaurant POI from OpenStreetMap that has not been updated for more that 5 years. It is backed by an OSM database populated by the osm2pgsql tool, and I learned quite a lot about modern usage of this tool along the way. This post contains some of my learnings, and I hope it is useful for folks who would like to have a special-purpose OSM database that they can keep up-to-date.

restobot post on mastodon

Modern osm2pgsql #

osm2pgsql is a tool that populates a PostGIS database with OSM data from any OSM data file. It can also keep an existing database up-to-date using OpenStreetMap's replication diffs. The osm2pgsql I know from many years ago was mainly aimed at raster tile database use cases. It is still used today to populate the production database that powers the map tiles you see on I don't dabble in tile servers much, so I never gave osm2pgsql much consideration. But the tool has evolved a lot! The most interesting enhancement for folks like me who are interested in data analysis is the "flex mode" introduced in version 1.3.0. In this mode, you can use lua scripts to define custom tables and perform all kinds of filtering and pre-processing as the data is being read. There is a cache of lua examples in osm2pgsql's Github repository, and this example from the documentation is a good starting point.

Step 1. Designing the data model #

For Resto-bot, I needed a database with just restaurant points-of-interest for the United States. A restaurant in OSM is represented as either a node or a way with the amenity=restaurant tag. To keep the database queries simple, I would like to avoid having different geometry types, so for restaurant ways (most commonly buildings with restaurant tags, example), I would like to use the centroids. I don't need all OSM tags. I want to keep the option to use other POI types open, so I will use class and subclass fields to hold the OSM key / values for easy querying. I borrowed that pattern from this example.

So these are the fields I will need:

Step 2. Writing the lua script #

The osm2pgsql flex output uses lua scripts to transform the raw OSM data into basically whatever model you want. There's excellent documentation about this on the osm2pgsql website, so I won't go into too much detail, but I will walk you through my lua script. (This is my first ever encounter with lua, so there's probably room for improvement; let me know!)

The first part defines the PostGIS table. How to do this is described in detail in the manual:

local pois = osm2pgsql.define_table({
    name = 'pois',
    ids = { type = 'any', type_column = 'osm_type', id_column = 'osm_id' },
    columns = {
        { column = 'name' },
        { column = 'class', not_null = true },
        { column = 'subclass', not_null = true },
        { column = 'geom', type = 'point', not_null = true, projection = 4326 },
        { column = 'version', type = 'smallint', not_null = true },
        { column = 'timestamp', sql_type = 'timestamp', not_null = true},


Otherwise, you will recognize the columns from my data model above.

Then we have a helper function that converts the object' timestamp to a valid ISO8601 string. I borrowed this function from the lua examples in the osm2pgsql repo:

function format_date(ts)
    return'!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', ts)

Next, a function to parse the OSM objects. This is shared logic between the way and node callbacks, so we extract it into a separate function, which returns the entire lua table to be inserted except for the geometry:

function process_poi(object)
    local fields = {
        name =,
        version = object.version,
        timestamp = format_date(object.timestamp),

    if object.tags.amenity then
        fields.class = 'amenity'
        fields.subclass = object.tags.amenity
    elseif then
        fields.class = 'shop'
        fields.subclass =
        return {}
    return fields

The function returns an empty table when the feature is not a shop or amenity. This gives us more features than we strictly need for Resto-bot, but if we wanted to make a bot for, say, gift shops, then we would already have the data.

Finally, the processing callback functions for node and way features:

function osm2pgsql.process_node(object)
    record = process_poi(object)
    if record.class then
        record.geom = object:as_point()

function osm2pgsql.process_way(object)
    if object.is_closed and object.tags.building then
        record = process_poi(object)
        if record.class then
            record.geom = object:as_polygon():centroid()

The node callback checks if the record that process_poi() returns has a class key, and if not, moves on. (There may be more efficient ways to test for an empty table.)

The way callback checks if the object is closed and tagged as a building. If yes, the same pattern is followed. For the geometry, we call the centroid() function to get the building centroid so we can keep the geometry table simple.

Step 3. Initial database loading #

Download and pre-process OSM data #

To process OSM data, we need an OSM data file 😊. I got a United States PBF file from Geofabrik. Two nice things about the Geofabrik mirror are:

  1. They have extracts for many different states / provinces, countries and continents.
  2. They provide daily diffs for each area, which osm2pgsql-replicate can use to keep the database up-to-date later.

The initial loading needs to happen with in --slim modem otherwise the database cannot be updated with osm2pgsql later. This lengthens the initial loading time significantly and increases the size of the database.

Create the database #

osm2pgsql will not create the database for us, so let's do that first. We create a dedicated PostgreSQL user osm who will own the database, and create the database using it. Then we load the PostGIS extension.

$ createuser -d osm
$ createdb -O osm osm
$ psql -d osm -c 'create extension postgis'

Now we're ready to....

Load the data #

We use osm2pgsql to read the OSM PBF file and populate the osm database we just created with it:

osm2pgsql --slim -d osm -x -O flex -S mapping/poi.lua -c us-poi.osm.pbf

The options explained:

See the manual for all options available, or call osm2pgsql without any parameters to get a brief overview of the available options.

The output will end with something a lot like:

2023-02-24 12:53:54  Analyzing table 'pois'...

2023-02-24 13:25:49  Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_ways' in 1927s (32m 7s)
2023-02-24 13:25:49  Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_rels' in 18s
2023-02-24 13:25:49  All postprocessing on table 'pois' done in 12s.
2023-02-24 13:25:49  osm2pgsql took 4330s (1h 12m 10s) overall.

As you can see from the last line, loading a United States extract took 1h 12m on my laptop (Apple M1 Pro).

The database is now ready. A sample query:

psql -d osm -A -c "SELECT osm_type, osm_id, name, current_date - timestamp::date as age FROM pois WHERE timestamp < current_date - (365 * 5) ORDER BY timestamp LIMIT 10;"


osm_type osm_id name class subclass age
N 29352403 Boulders amenity restaurant 5763
N 35314106 Buffett amenity restaurant 5609
N 81591111 Memphis Blues amenity restaurant 5609
N 81591406 Tokyo Diner amenity restaurant 5609
N 81592113 Italian Oven amenity restaurant 5609
N 93187662 Colebrook Twin-Kiss amenity restaurant 5598
N 93205236 Blue Bird Inn amenity restaurant 5598
N 88575147 The Pink Store amenity restaurant 5598
N 98197574 Party House Restaurant amenity restaurant 5594
N 207734833 AP's Seafood Buffet amenity restaurant 5530

So there you have it: from this extract, downloaded on 2023-02-11, the amenity=restaurant that has not been updated the longest in the United States is The Hilltop. (The place does still seem to exist but could use some additional tags in OSM!)

Step 4. Keeping the database up-to-date #

It is not extremely complicated to keep the database up-to-date: osm2pgsql includes a dedicated tool to do this! It's called osm2pgsql-replication. It works in two stages. First you need to initialize the database to support the replication process, then run the replication periodically1.

Initialization of the replication process #

The first step is initializing the database for replication using the init command:

osm2pgsql-replication init -d osm --osm-file us-latest.osm.pbf

osm2pgsql-replication uses the input OSM file to determine where to start with replication, and where to source it from. It reads metadata from the PBF file (osmosis_replication_base_url. osmosis_replication_sequence_number and osmosis_replication_timestamp, I think) to determine those things. The documentation states that extracts from Geofabrik and are guaranteed to have this metadata. Those sources also supply the replication diffs for the specific regional extract.

If you don't have the original PBF file anymore, you can skip that option. In that case, osm2pgsql-replication will look at the newest object in the database. In that case, the tool will use the standard replication diffs from unless you specify a --server. You may end up with a replication process that does not honor the geographic region of your original extract. I have not tried this.

The replication itself #

With the database initialized for replication, the tool can be run again with the update command:

osm2pgsql-replication update -d osm --  -x -O flex -S osm2pgsql/poi.lua

The options explained:

The tool will retrieve the replication diffs and apply them to the database. If your initial OSM data file is older and / or it is of a large area, the initial replication can take a long time. You should probably consider downloading a fresh OSM data file and starting with a new import if your file is more than a couple of weeks old. In my case, the original file was from 2023-02-11 and today is 2023-02-27. Bringing the database up to date took a total of 16 minutes in two replication passes. The last line of the output reads:

2023-02-27 14:38:00 [INFO]: Data imported until 2023-02-26 21:21:07+00:00. Backlog remaining: 1 day, 0:16:53.253408

The "backlog remaining" varies depending on the replication diffs your source offers (Geofabrik has daily diffs), but also on the maximum diff size the tool will process in one run, which defaults to 500MB if not overridden with --max-diff-size.

To confirm that it works, let's query the database to find the most recently updated POI:

psql -d osm -A -c "SELECT osm_type, osm_id, name, class, subclass, timestamp FROM pois WHERE class = 'amenity' AND subclass = 'restaurant' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 10;"


osm_type osm_id name class subclass timestamp
N 10695691769 The Pickled Palate amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 21:17:56
N 7601836481 The Burger Stand amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 21:06:17
N 10695644100 Açaí Jungle amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 21:04:32
N 10695638227 M Shanghai amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:58:41
N 10695665361 421 Craft Bar and Kitchen amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:56:20
N 8590304572 Pizza Factory amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:50:25
W 218847998 Mi Mexico amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:50:25
W 218848660 Red Robin amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:50:25
W 284621095 Sushi Family Express amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:45:08
N 10695624470 Pizza House amenity restaurant 2023-02-26 20:37:54

And there we have it! The Pickled Palate in Mount Pleasant, SC is now the newest restaurant in our database. Thanks Bolling for adding it 😊.

The osm2pgsql manual has good information on automating the replication process on a Linux flavored server. I'm not going to go into that topic, because this blog post is already plenty long!

Thanks #

Great tools like osm2pgsql are created by volunteers in the OSM community and released as open source software. Thanks Jochen (also for your feedback on a draft of this post!), Sarah, Paul and everyone else who contributed to the tool itself and, just as important, the high quality documentation. Also thanks to Thunderforest, FOSSGIS and Geofabrik who support development work on osm2pgsql. Both Geofabrik and Thunderforest deliver great products and services built on OSM data; consider them if you need OSM based map.

  1. For this particular use case, where we don't need the absolute latest OSM data and we are only interested in a small subset of data, it is certainly easier to just download a new extract and do a fresh database load without --slim whenever you want to update. I was curious and wanted to go through the replication process! ↩︎